Hello Everyone: I don’t know about you but -9 degrees celsius (feels like -17) is not what I expected near the end of October in Alberta! I guess it’s time to bundle up and dress warm, old man winter will be here before we know it! That’s why I’m super excited about getting ready to release my next product line, a collection I’ve been working on for months and months, and the reason why you haven’t heard from me in awhile! They’re all hand-crafted, home decor treasures that will keep you warm and snuggly, or make you THINK about staying warm this winter, or ideally you will send to your friends and family as thoughtful and loving gifts to keep THEM warm this Holiday Season! I asked for your input a few emails ago, and now I’ll be releasing the items I made, based on your feedback, woot, woot! Here’s what you asked for: Pretty plaids! Snowy whites! Woodland-themed items! Wildlife-themed things! Birds! and Shabby Chic requests seemed popular! Thank you so much for your input, I chose fabrics and themes based on your requests. 😀 So I hope you’ll be as excited as I am when I release this Collection this Friday, November 1st! Here’s a sneak peek, are you excited??? Please, LET ME KNOW! Oh! what is it called you ask? It’s called: The Holiday Memories Collection! In true traditional fashion, I hope you will find something in my handmade Collection that you can gift to someone, that will ‘Send Warmth Home for the Holidays!’… Get ready… it’s coming! Warmest regards! Marilyn Clark Mama’s Craft Basket www.mamascraftbasket.com www.etsy.com/shop/mamascraftbasket www.facebook.com/mamascraftbasket www.pinterest.com/marilyn_clark e. marilyn@mamascraftbasket.com p. 705-872-1812 |